Thursday, September 1, 2011

Little Bit Stir Crazy

Well today is a boring one. Just hanging around.  I am definitely enjoying the rest and relaxation but that is just sooooooo not my usual style and it is very hard to get used to.  Also I am sleeping so late because I have no reason to wake up and it is making it almost impossible to get to sleep at night. I also blame this on my previous life of closing UNO's bar and not getting home until 2am multiple nights of the week......damn you UNO's! p.s. I miss you! (The staff not the work)  I suppose I could set an alarm for myself to wake up earlier but what is the fun in that?  I'm on an extended vacation here people! Not to mention what the hell would I do for those extra hours of alertness? I can barely find enough to do as it is.

We did not end up going out last night because it was rainy and a little bit chilly (55 degrees!) which is a perfect recipe for procrastination and laziness.  So we hung around and I watched Edi play video games with his brother Biel(14yrs) and cousin Lucas(13yrs). It was a soccer video game. Obviously. (did I mention that Edi turns 28 in a week and a half and yes I said he is playing videogames. My brother would be so proud.) Anyways I sat there in the living room with them with my Port/Eng dictionary (per usual) trying to pick out words and look them up. The problem with this is that so much of what they are saying is slang and smack talk that the words aren't even in the dictionary.  Hmmmm....perhaps there is an online urban dictionary for Portuguese words like there is for English. On second thought, I don't even think I want to go there.

Edi PROMISED we would go out tonight which is great because I have not set foot outside of this house since Tuesday afternoon and I think I'm going insane. Look forward to future blogs outlining the shenanigans that are sure to ensue with me actually going out in public. Even when I was here in May we never actually went out the bars. Restaurants? Sure. Family parties. Yes! But no local bars for this girl. So this should be riddled with embarassing moments. I'm tempted to tell Edi that I want to order the drinks just so I can see the look on the bartenders face as I stumble my way through a drink order. Time to break up the monotony!

Tomorrow Ana Paula(Aunt) arrives! She lives down the street but she has been visiting Edi's grandmother which is about 8 hours away.  I am looking forward to seeing her.  I met her in the US a few months after Edi and I started dating. She moved back to Brazil last December. She was a HUGE help to me in May because her English is very good and she always tells me what everyone is saying and helps teach me and helps me translate. Edi tries to help but he only tells me what is going on when I ask. I think sometimes he forgets that I don't know.  Ana Paula tells me no matter what and she is at Edi's house most of the day. She doesn't work, she takes care of her 3 year old (Ana Laura) who is very cute. Very loud, but very cute. I eagerly await their arrival.

I mentioned to Edi yesterday that I want him to show me how to use the washing machine here. I am doing almost nothing here so I should at least help out by doing my own laundry. They have a washing machine but they do not use a dryer. Everything gets hung on a line. I also wanted to buy a drying rack or something to put on the patio attached to our bedroom to hang my clothes. I know its normal for them but I am just not comfortable with my skivvies hanging out in the wind for the whole family to see. He just laughed and said his mom didn't mind and his family doesn't care, but if I felt more comfortable doing it myself then he would show me this weekend. Well little did I know Arlete(mom) is a sneaky woman.  She lured me out of our room today by telling me it was time for lunch. While I was eating she came into the room and took my laundry. haha  I didn't notice until after lunch that she had taken my pile of dirty clothes. To be fair I don't think she has any idea that I was planning on doing it myself and I don't think she was trying to be sneaky, only helpful.  She does all the laundry, cooks all the meals and cleans the house (it is impeccable) everyday. (She also went ahead and swept and mopped our room and bathroom!)  Don't get me wrong, having someone to cook and clean for you is like a dream come true but I am not DOING anything so I don't want it to seem like I am lazy or taking anything for granted. I am happy to help if I only knew what needed to be done. She probably doesn't see it that way but I do. I am used to doing things for myself. I am an adult after all! Well, sort of.  All well, for the time being I will thank her and once I learn a little more Portuguese I will be able to tell her to point me in the direction of the broom and the detergent!

That's it for today folks! Until next time!

p.s. I am currently reading The Girl With the Dragon Tatoo by Stieg Larsson. So far it is very good. It is the first in a three part series and I am so mad at myself because I bought the first and second book but not the third! I think I am going to regret that. I'll let you all know what I think! (Apparently I just turned this into a book review blog also) Tcahu!

1 comment:

  1. Once you get used to it there and learn your way around you will find plenty to do! VERY good choice in books, I'm reading the second now so we can chat about it. Take lots of pictures ! *Jasmyn
