Wednesday, August 31, 2011

It's a Learning Process

OK so the days are flying by here!  I'm really not even doing much but hanging around, sleeping, reading, and eating!  But somehow 3 days seem like 3 minutes.

I know that I have mentioned that a lot of retail products here are crazy expensive (sneakers for $130 in the US are R$600 here) but i got my first taste of how everyday items can be expensive also.  Edi and I went to the market the other day to get shampoo, conditioner, and shaving cream.  R$30 later we had our stuff!! CRAZY!   The shampoo and conditioner weren't THAT bad but the shaving cream was ridiculous.  R$20!!  I cannot believe that. I wish I had known. I would have brought like 10 cans and sold em for R$15 a pop! 

Edi has been coming home for lunch everyday around noon and then calling the house to talk to me around 3 each day so that's nice. It breaks up the day nicely.  I didn't really come out of our room much on Monday. I left the door open so I didn't seem like I was trying to shut myself away but I just hung out on the bed reading, going online, etc...   Edi told me his mom was concerned because I didn't come out and eat in the afternoon. She says I don't eat enough. haha! If she only knew me.  I came out and ate lunch with everyone but I forgot that they almost always drink coffee and have an afternoon snack. Crackers, cake, whatever they have around really.  I made sure today that I came out and had some coffee and crackers with Edi's mom. She seemed pleased. 

Yesterday around 2pm, Arlete (Edi's mom) came and asked me a question but I had NO idea what she was asking me.  I gave her my Portuguese/English dictionary to see if she could point out a word or something that would help but no dice. After about 10 minutes she finally she called Ana Paula (Edi's aunt) and asked her to tell me in English what she was asking. She wanted to know if I wanted to go with her and Givaldo (dad) to run some errands.  I definitely wanted to get out of the house so I said yes. Actually I said vamos (let's go!) and off we went! 

We went to a few stores checking out doorknobs/locks for Edi's house which should be finished next week and ready to sell. I just followed them around listening to them talk to the salespeople and trying to pick out words that I already know. Arlete asked me is I understood anything they were saying (entendeu?) and I said I understood when they said on top(em cima) and underneath (embaixo) and keys (chaves) but that was about it.  At the next store I knew I recognized the area and when we got out of the car Arlete pointed down to the bottom of the hill ahead of us and said "Edivaldo embaixo" and I knew that she meant that his car wash was at the bottom of the hill. It literally meant Edivaldo is underneath but she was using one of the few words I told her I knew so that was really nice and I knew just what she meant.  After that store we went to visit Edi at work.  It was freaking hot (I'm not complaining!) so we only stayed for a bit and then we were homeward bound to cool off!  They don't use air conditioners or even fans for that matter because they don't need to. The houses are so much cooler than the outside since they are all made with brick and cement.

 The rest of yesterday was pretty low key. Dinner, errands, and watching some ridiculous Brazilian television. I am almost positive that even if I knew what they were saying, I would think they are ridiculous. Some of the game shows, etc... that have on during the daytime are hilarious to watch. I dont know what is going on but yesterday some guy was pulled out of the audience, covered in honey and feathers and then a bunch of midgets came out and danced around him.....and that was it. No reason. No prizes. No clue.

I woke up this morning around 6:30 to hail pelting off the metal roof. Yes hail. From 90+ degree weather to hail this morning. Not sure how that works but whatever!  The hail stopped and it has been raining all day and it's only like 60 degrees. Edi only worked from 8-12 since nobody wants their car washed in the rain. Now we are just hanging out. I think I am going to venture to the gym with Edi and Biel(brother) later. That should be interesting. And I asked Edi if we could go out tonight because I'm getting a bit stir crazy so I think we are going to one of the bars near his house. Sweet! 

That's it for now! Tchau!


  1. Groovy stuff. Thanks amiga!

  2. hahaha i read the paragraph about the television show to my parents, hahahha
