Wednesday, August 31, 2011

It's a Learning Process

OK so the days are flying by here!  I'm really not even doing much but hanging around, sleeping, reading, and eating!  But somehow 3 days seem like 3 minutes.

I know that I have mentioned that a lot of retail products here are crazy expensive (sneakers for $130 in the US are R$600 here) but i got my first taste of how everyday items can be expensive also.  Edi and I went to the market the other day to get shampoo, conditioner, and shaving cream.  R$30 later we had our stuff!! CRAZY!   The shampoo and conditioner weren't THAT bad but the shaving cream was ridiculous.  R$20!!  I cannot believe that. I wish I had known. I would have brought like 10 cans and sold em for R$15 a pop! 

Edi has been coming home for lunch everyday around noon and then calling the house to talk to me around 3 each day so that's nice. It breaks up the day nicely.  I didn't really come out of our room much on Monday. I left the door open so I didn't seem like I was trying to shut myself away but I just hung out on the bed reading, going online, etc...   Edi told me his mom was concerned because I didn't come out and eat in the afternoon. She says I don't eat enough. haha! If she only knew me.  I came out and ate lunch with everyone but I forgot that they almost always drink coffee and have an afternoon snack. Crackers, cake, whatever they have around really.  I made sure today that I came out and had some coffee and crackers with Edi's mom. She seemed pleased. 

Yesterday around 2pm, Arlete (Edi's mom) came and asked me a question but I had NO idea what she was asking me.  I gave her my Portuguese/English dictionary to see if she could point out a word or something that would help but no dice. After about 10 minutes she finally she called Ana Paula (Edi's aunt) and asked her to tell me in English what she was asking. She wanted to know if I wanted to go with her and Givaldo (dad) to run some errands.  I definitely wanted to get out of the house so I said yes. Actually I said vamos (let's go!) and off we went! 

We went to a few stores checking out doorknobs/locks for Edi's house which should be finished next week and ready to sell. I just followed them around listening to them talk to the salespeople and trying to pick out words that I already know. Arlete asked me is I understood anything they were saying (entendeu?) and I said I understood when they said on top(em cima) and underneath (embaixo) and keys (chaves) but that was about it.  At the next store I knew I recognized the area and when we got out of the car Arlete pointed down to the bottom of the hill ahead of us and said "Edivaldo embaixo" and I knew that she meant that his car wash was at the bottom of the hill. It literally meant Edivaldo is underneath but she was using one of the few words I told her I knew so that was really nice and I knew just what she meant.  After that store we went to visit Edi at work.  It was freaking hot (I'm not complaining!) so we only stayed for a bit and then we were homeward bound to cool off!  They don't use air conditioners or even fans for that matter because they don't need to. The houses are so much cooler than the outside since they are all made with brick and cement.

 The rest of yesterday was pretty low key. Dinner, errands, and watching some ridiculous Brazilian television. I am almost positive that even if I knew what they were saying, I would think they are ridiculous. Some of the game shows, etc... that have on during the daytime are hilarious to watch. I dont know what is going on but yesterday some guy was pulled out of the audience, covered in honey and feathers and then a bunch of midgets came out and danced around him.....and that was it. No reason. No prizes. No clue.

I woke up this morning around 6:30 to hail pelting off the metal roof. Yes hail. From 90+ degree weather to hail this morning. Not sure how that works but whatever!  The hail stopped and it has been raining all day and it's only like 60 degrees. Edi only worked from 8-12 since nobody wants their car washed in the rain. Now we are just hanging out. I think I am going to venture to the gym with Edi and Biel(brother) later. That should be interesting. And I asked Edi if we could go out tonight because I'm getting a bit stir crazy so I think we are going to one of the bars near his house. Sweet! 

That's it for now! Tchau!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Longest Day of My Life

Prepare yourselves! This is a VERY long post because it is filled with 2 VERY busy days!

Ta da!!!  I made it! I cannot believe day 1 is already behind me.  The past 2 days or so I have been in 2 airplanes, 3 airports, and 2 countries on 2 completely different continents. Not to mention 2 hemispheres which means 2 different seasons.  But if we are being honest the seasons don't really feel any different because I left an 80+ degree summer to come to an 80+ degree winter. HA! Suck it New England!

But seriously, I am lucky to have made it here without any major glitches.  I am pretty sure a lot of NH and MA got quite the bitch slap by little miss Irene and I really hope that everyone is safe and those of you that still don't have power get it back soon! I know that Logan Airport was closed yesterday among others.  Its a good thing Irene didn't have the balls to mess with my itinerary. That's all i have to say about that. And thank you Edi for asking me to schedule my flight to arrive in Brazil on a Sunday!!

Highs/Lows of the travel days? Lets review.
-Thank you mom for driving me to airport and spending my last few hours in the US with me!
-Also thank you for not letting my freak out when my suitcases were over the 70lb weight limit. We would have had to pay $200 until this very nice American Airlines employee told us not to worry about it and waived the fee! THANK YOU RANDOM STRANGER! (That was after we tried to stuff as much of my stuff in my carry on as possible. I'll blame my back problem later in life on this event)
-My flight from Beantown was only delayed 40mins so I was free and clear on that flight except for having to sit by the window next to a rather rude couple who knew nothing about personal space. I cannot tell you how many times I was bumped/nudged by that woman.  But honestly, nothing was going to ruin my mood.  I was at least ON the flight to Miami!
-Got to Miami and had plenty of time to hang out. Called Edi and was even able to get him on Skype and talk to him that way for a few minutes to let him know I would be on time. The time went by fast and next thing I knew we were boarding.  Thanks again mom for upgrading my seat to an exit row so I had no seats in front of me and I was on an aisle for the 8+ hours! Sweet!  We did have a bit of a delay getting off the runway because we had to wait for some luggage.  I really didnt mind because if it was my luggage we were waiting for, I would GLADLY sit.
-Bada Bing Bada Bang Bada Boom! 8 hours later I was landing in Brazil. This flight was probably the only part of the trip that didn't feel like it was going by fast. Quite the opposite. 8 hours felt like about 20 and I only slept about 2 of that. But whatever, I was here!

BRAZIL!!!!  I got off the plane, through the customs line, got my luggage (which was just as hard as I imagined. I need to lift some weights the next time I plan on lifting 80+lbs by myself.) and made it thought the gate. I only panicked for a second when I didn't see Edi right in front of my face. I started trying to remember all the Portuguese I know in case I actually had to ask for help or try to use a phone. But low and behold right past the first group of people was Edi!!

Now here is what I was not prepared for. I didn't realize I would be so NERVOUS to see Edi. I was literally sick to my stomach. I don't know why but I just was. So, this was not at all the reunion you would imagine after not seeing your boyfriend for 4 months. There was no slow motion running, no beautiful music, no jumping into his arms etc, etc, etc...  After my entire day of traveling by myself and finally seeing the one person I had been waiting to see for months EVERYTHING hit me.  I felt nervous, anxious, exhausted, sick, hot, and sooo many other things that it was all I could do to walk over, give him a hug and a kiss and say hi.  I think he could tell I had pretty much shut down because he just said hi, he missed me and then grabbed my bags for me.  His aunt and uncle had come with him so I said hi to them too.  I then proceeded to not say a single word the entire 2 hour car ride to his house.  Fairytale reunion? I think not, but hey that's how life goes right?

We got to his house and his family was there. I said hi, I saw the "Welcome Janet" signs posted around the house (love this) and we brought all my crap in.  I was thakful that his family just each said hi and gave me a quick hug and left me alone because I don't think I could have handled a bunch of people right then. Next, I took a shower, ate some lunch, and took a nap and felt completely rejuvinated! This is good because i was awakened from my nap by Edi's cousins BANGING on the door because they had just arrived and they wanted to say hi.

I had forgotten how uncomfortable it is to be in a group of people that don't speak your language and you pretty much don't speak thiers either. Everyone was sitting in a circle outside and I joined them. I felt a bit like a circus act because these were his younger cousins(18-20 most of them) and I think they get a kick out of asking me to say things in Portuguese and seeing if I will actually say it, etc, etc, etc... They really are nice to me and I know they like me and they don't mean any harm because I know they have never been in this position and don't know what it feels like to be this person. I'm a pretty good sport so I usually laugh along but I just wasn't in the mood yesterday. I excused myself and went to unpack some more of my stuff.  It is frustrating to me because I know that a lot of Edi's family members have the same sense of humor that I do and they are a lot of fun and I would love to join in that fun if only I KNEW THE LANGUAGE!! All well, I will get there eventually and then those boys won't know what hit em!

So the rest of the night was pretty low key. Most everyone left and it was just Edi's immediate family and me hanging out outside people watching.  I am always most comfortable with his parents and siblings because they don't hassle me. They just let me sit and listen and if I want to join in I can.

Today I am just hanging out. Unpacking, organizing, and realizing that there is not enough space for both of our stuff. Everyone is at either work or school except for his mom and I. It is 90 degrees today so I'll be spending most of my time inside. I have a nice relaxing day ahead of me and that sounds like just what I need! Talk to you all soon!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Don't Judge Me, I'm New At This

Well here goes nothing! My very first blog and very first blog post!  When talking about leaving for Brazil a few people mentioned that I should really startup a blog for a few reasons: 1. so that my friends/family can follow my life in Brazil  2. so I have a journal of sorts so that down the road i can look back on this and remember not only the big things that happen in this new stage of my life but the minor things as well  and 3. so I will have an outlet when I am having a bad day and I miss home and all I want to do is let loose in my native language.  So there you have it.  I would say those are 3 very good reasons to get this started.

A few things to know while reading my blog. It is sure to be filled with punctuation mistakes, misspellings, and grammatical errors.  Ignore all of this and consider me one of the greatest young writers of our time!  Thank you. Also, this being the first time I have done this, I really have no idea what to put in I write everyday? Every week? Write about everything that happens or just the major events? I have no idea, so I am going to do whatever I want and you will love it.

I am guessing the first few days or so may be a bit boring for me since Edi will be at work and I will be adjusting to my new place of living (AKA Edi's rents house) so I will most likely write everyday and knowing me it will be long winded and boring. I will write about how I woke up, showered, got dressed and proceeded to not understand a damn thing that anyone is saying (I'm working on that)  The highlight of my day will be my Portuguese lesson with Edi's mom which will consist of her pointing at things and repeating herself in Portuguese until I repeat her and then she will clap encouragingly. (It's the little victories)

Eventually I will get better at the whole Portuguese thing and I will regale you with tales of courage, knowledge, and adventure!!  Or perhaps I will just be thrilled to tell you the story about me walking to the store and purchasing shampoo all by myself.....

Well whether I am fighting off wild amazonian natives or just basking in the 85 degree winter weather, I promise to try and make this as interesting as possible.  I supposed that is it for today friends.  I am sitting in Miami waiting to board for Brazil!  I'm sure I'll have some time tomorrow to write again. I miss you all already! Thanks for reading!