Saturday, August 27, 2011

Don't Judge Me, I'm New At This

Well here goes nothing! My very first blog and very first blog post!  When talking about leaving for Brazil a few people mentioned that I should really startup a blog for a few reasons: 1. so that my friends/family can follow my life in Brazil  2. so I have a journal of sorts so that down the road i can look back on this and remember not only the big things that happen in this new stage of my life but the minor things as well  and 3. so I will have an outlet when I am having a bad day and I miss home and all I want to do is let loose in my native language.  So there you have it.  I would say those are 3 very good reasons to get this started.

A few things to know while reading my blog. It is sure to be filled with punctuation mistakes, misspellings, and grammatical errors.  Ignore all of this and consider me one of the greatest young writers of our time!  Thank you. Also, this being the first time I have done this, I really have no idea what to put in I write everyday? Every week? Write about everything that happens or just the major events? I have no idea, so I am going to do whatever I want and you will love it.

I am guessing the first few days or so may be a bit boring for me since Edi will be at work and I will be adjusting to my new place of living (AKA Edi's rents house) so I will most likely write everyday and knowing me it will be long winded and boring. I will write about how I woke up, showered, got dressed and proceeded to not understand a damn thing that anyone is saying (I'm working on that)  The highlight of my day will be my Portuguese lesson with Edi's mom which will consist of her pointing at things and repeating herself in Portuguese until I repeat her and then she will clap encouragingly. (It's the little victories)

Eventually I will get better at the whole Portuguese thing and I will regale you with tales of courage, knowledge, and adventure!!  Or perhaps I will just be thrilled to tell you the story about me walking to the store and purchasing shampoo all by myself.....

Well whether I am fighting off wild amazonian natives or just basking in the 85 degree winter weather, I promise to try and make this as interesting as possible.  I supposed that is it for today friends.  I am sitting in Miami waiting to board for Brazil!  I'm sure I'll have some time tomorrow to write again. I miss you all already! Thanks for reading!


  1. I think this woman deserve some kind of literary award. I laughed, cried, soiled myself, and then passed out!

    Five stars!

  2. Awesome blog Janet. I am definitely a follower! Good Luck! Can't wait to read another entry!

  3. What a great adventure you're on! I look forward to reading.

  4. i loveee that you write the way that you speak :-)
